When you are looking at set up websites and online enterprises to acquire, you should always look at long term ability. Actuality is, that you might not be able to ever can sell a site that you own. Like Warren Buffett states, do not commit for a swift income. You need to have a long term money making deal. Marketing a web site is merely an outcome of having a remarkable long term online presence or business sense.
I thought I might provide you with an every week critique of some of the purchases around the globe of flipping internet websites. One of the much bigger internet sites to sell this week was at kinsonlab.net, which sold for $ 106,000. When I to began the search, it looked like that the domain, I assumed it was an lose weight program internet site which would kind of explain the price tag. But as I investigated the internet site I knew that what they were offering is a network of web sites that they have actually used to offer backlink structure in addition to Search Engine Optimization services or SEO.
In addition they have hundreds of sites that they will use to promote your internet site for a charge. Not too bad either, very reasonable. They claimed to be making just about $ 25k each month on the website and but it sold for $ 100k. 4 calendar months of profits? Truly? Let me be the 1st to advise you that if a package seems as too good to be real than it is too good to be a real deal.
Why would any a vendor in his right mind be willing to sell a $ 25k a month website for $ 100k? Why not merely maintain it and then in 4 months you have your funds? Just what this business is, is 100 % against Google's terms of service!. The vendor must be made aware how risky it is to have a network like this. Whats much more is now they have indeed displayed it to the whole globe to see by placing the site or network of sites up for sale.
How hard will it be for Bing to go sign up for their business and then find where the links start actually come from? That complete network could be shut down in no time. I think the buyer doesn't really recognize this.
Those kinds of enterprises have no staying strength. And they should give them the red flag that something is amiss! I hope for the website buyers sake they make it at least 5 calendar months prior to the carpeting is taken from under them.
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